A Vision For Fitness

Summer Exercise: Outside or Inside?

To me, summer can be a wonderful time to get in your daily exercise regimen. Whether you’re exercising indoors or outdoors, you will find there are many health benefits to each one of these options. I know most people don’t realize they can be outdoors in the summertime, because of the heat and humidity, but if you protect yourself, you will find this is just as gratifying and will help you be an overall stronger and healthier individual.

First, let’s take a look at a few of the benefits to indoor exercise:

1. There’s no worrying about getting overheated or sunburned.
2. You can sign up for a fitness class, especially if you’re a gym member.
3. You can also try your hand at lap swimming if you have access to an indoor pool.
4. It’s perfect for days when the weather is bad.
5. If you’re not a gym member you could even exercise from your own home and it’s free.

Now here are a few benefits to outdoor exercise:

1. You get lots of Vitamin D from being in the sunlight.
2. Being outside helps improve mood and can help people who may have anxiety.
3. You get to see interesting and wonderful places that you don’t see at home or in a gym.
5. Your lungs get to breathe in more fresh air than when you're indoors.
6. Walking or running can even burn more calories.
7. There can be greater improvement in your heart health because you can have more strenuous and longer workouts.
8. It’s free wherever you are.

Now that you know what some of the benefits are to exercising indoors and outdoors, I’m going to share which one I love to do most and the one I feel is the best option.

For me, I prefer exercising outdoors. It just makes me feel happier when I get to see more of my surroundings and can explore more, particularly when walking. Also, I am more uplifted and less anxious when I am outside exercising or on a walk. So far, my current and longest walking streak is getting up to 25 days and counting.

For those of you who may worry about being in the heat and humidity, here are some tips for staying healthy outdoors:

1. Always wear sunscreen. It’s very important to protect your skin.
2. Wearing white reflects the sun's own rays away from your body, which may help you feel cooler.
3. When going outdoors wear a hat to keep your head cool and keep the sun away from your face. When it is really bright wear sunglasses too to avoid your eyes being blinded by the sun.
4. Try to get enough rest at night. If you're feeling super tired during the day you can even take a short break in between workouts. Sometimes that is needed as exercise does take a lot out of you.
5. Walk in the early mornings or evenings when the sun isn’t so strong and the temperature isn’t so hot.
6. Make sure you're staying hydrated and supplement your water with some electrolytes.