Summer Games | Tennis

Special Olympics Tennis

Know Your Facts

  • There will be 76 athletes competing in tennis
  • There are 28 coaches

We have 4 competitions: competitions range from Level 1 (Skills), Level 2 (Red Ball), Level 4 (Green Dot) and Match Play. Athletes can compete in both singles and doubles in Level 2 and above.

Interested in Volunteering at Tennis?

Check out the different volunteer roles we offer for tennis:

Chair Umpires

The Chair Umpire is responsible for calling the score, enforcing the rules and managing the players. *Tennis experience needed*

Ball Retrievers

You will be placed either at the net or in the back corner of each court to pick up any dead balls that hit the net during play. (3 per court)


Watch and see if a returning ball is inside or outside the line, marking the ball fair or dead. (2 per court)


Be in the skills area and practice with athletes on different aspects of the game (serving the ball, returning the ball, etc).

Score runner/Awards & Lunch

As games and skills play wrap up, take the final scores from each court back to the awards table. Then, once all final scores have been processed by the competition team, help to present awards to each athlete. Make sure the correct teams are present, the sound system is set, play Olympic music during presentation and announce awards to spectators as needed. Finally, 2 people may be pulled to assist with passing out lunch during this time as well.


Use the link below to register for any of the volunteer roles listed.