Summer Games | Softball

Baseball Field Image

Know Your Facts

  • There will be 209 athletes competing in softball
  • There are 57 coaches

We have 2 competitions: competitions of both Traditional and Unified Team Softball will be offered. Teams will compete in a divisioning round and then be placed into competitive brackets as teams go for the gold.

Interested in Volunteering at Softball?

Check out the different volunteer roles we offer:


Working in pairs of 2 at each field, you will help to keep the official score using the provided scorebook and announce players as they come up to bat.

Field Monitor

As teams are arriving you should assist the team in carrying bat bags and helmet bags to appropriate field locations. The, once games get going, monitor play, water, team arrival and help to keep your field on schedule for the day. Communicate any team no shows, volunteer gaps, needed supplies, etc. to the competition director. And of ours, cheer on athletes as they compete!


Work under the tent at the main entrance to set up and pass out lunches to all coaches and athletes. Then, assist the Law Enforcement Officers as they present awards to each team. Make sure the correct teams are present, the sound system is set, play Olympic music during the presentation and announce awards to spectators as needed.


Use the link below to register for any of the volunteer roles listed.