Get Involved In Fitness

Special Olympics Virginia offers three unique models for engagement in fitness. Join a Fitness Club, Walking Club, or help bring fitness activities to one of the existing 200+ sports teams throughout the state!
Fitness Programs
Fitness Club
Fitness Clubs are workout groups for people with and without disabilities in a local community who meet together regularly. With an emphasis on relationship, accessibility and sustainability, Fitness Clubs use minimal equipment and follow a peer leadership model.
Walking Club
Walking Clubs are walking groups for people with and without disabilities in a local community. Walking Clubs are a perfect way to prioritize inclusive friendship while staying active!
Fitness in Sport
A great athlete is a healthy athlete, but often healthy movement isn't incorporated into a sports practice. However, sometimes prioritizing functional movements and exercise can get lost in the middle of a busy season. Let's change that with fitness-focused sports teams!
Walking Clubs and Fitness Clubs
Find the Walking Club and Fitness Club nearest you!

Area 9 Walking Club
Area 17 Walking Club
Area 4 Walking Club
Area 23 Hiking and Running Club
Area 2 Virginia Beach Fitness Club
Area 26 Youniquely Fit Walking and Fitness Club
Area 6 ASCV FitAbility Club
Area 2 Chesapeake Fitness Club
Area 26 Weekend Warriors Fitness Club
Area 24 Fitness Fun Club
Burnin' Burg Fitness Club
Ashburn Fitness Club
At Method Heath Club
Purcellville Fitness Club
Wednesday nights at Purcellville Sportsplex